It's Thursday! I completely forgot about the TT today! I will try to be back later with one. Having a Monday holiday always makes my week strange!
It's Thursday! I completely forgot about the TT today! I will try to be back later with one. Having a Monday holiday always makes my week strange!
Posted by
10:54 AM
Labels: oops, Thursday Thirteen
Things just got really busy on the fundraising front! The friend I am doing the triathlon with works at our favorite local grill & bar. It is owned by her parents. I met her there Tuesday afternoon to cut out 200 card stock pink ribbons. She came up with the design, and they look GREAT! Yesterday, I ran (not literally the signs I made up over there to "advertise" our efforts!
Posted by
10:28 AM
Labels: charity, Danskin Triathlon, fundraising, training, triathlon
The latest act to be added to the Summerfest lineup is Daughtry! I would love to go, but it is two nights before my triathlon. I have to pick up my race materials early the next morning and will probably have other things I should be doing.
For those who don't know, Summerfest is the world's largest music festival. It is held on Milwaukee's lake front each summer for 11 days. In addition to the Marcus Amphitheater, there are at least nine other stages. All those stages are free with your admission to the festival grounds. It's a music lover's dream! Lots of music and fun!
Here is the amphitheater lineup for Summerfest
06/28: Steely Dan
06/29: Def Leppard w/ Styx & Foreigner
06/30: The Fray w/ OK Go & Mae
07/01: Ludacris w/ Chris Brown, Ciara & T-Pain
07/02: Roger Waters
07/03: John Mayer with Ben Folds & Brett Dennen
07/04: Tool
07/05: Bon Jovi
07/06: Daughtry
07/07: Panic! At the Disco w/ Gym Class Heroes, The Academy Is, & The Hush Sound
07/08: Toby Keith
Any of your favorites on that list?
Most of those I would want to see play on one of the free stages. I am not sure how many times we will get down there this year. I REALLY want to see the Silversun Pickups; Shiny Toy Guns on June 29 & Plain White T's on July 4.
Posted by
4:07 PM
Labels: music, Summerfest
Posted by
12:49 AM
Here are my training totals for the week so far.
Mon: 40 minute bike
Tue: 35 minute run
Thu: 30 minute swim
Fri: 50 minute bike
Tot: 155 minutes
My training schedule calls for 215 minutes total this week. I have a 25 minute swim and 35 minute run left to complete. I plan to do those over the weekend.
I continue to do a light strength program while training for the tri. Since I posted about the 8.5 lb loss on May 8, I have only lost another half a pound. While I the numbers on the scale aren't moving much, I do see a difference in my body and how my clothes fit. Most importantly how I feel. I enjoy biking, running, and swimming. I plan to keep it up after the tri!
I have been eating healthy and only have one Diet Pepsi a day. (One soad per day is a HUGE improvement for me.) I need to to track what I am eating to see if I am eating enough calories to fuel my body for the increased exercise. I am wondering if that is why the pounds are coming off so slowly. I don't mind them coming off slowly. Those are the ones that stay off, but I am curious to see if that might be the cause. I am so close to getting into those capris & shorts from last year.
Posted by
1:35 PM
Labels: Danskin Triathlon, diet, exercise, healthy lifestyle, training, triathlon
While searching for a countdown widget to use in my side bar for the triathlon, I ran across cool widgets for NASCAR fans here.
Check out the sidebar on the left below the blogrolls! ;)
Posted by
1:20 PM
Labels: blog changes, NASCAR
Posted by
5:55 PM
Labels: Danskin Triathlon, Thursday Thirteen, triathlon
I have a lot on my plate today and hope to get to my Thursday Thirteen later, but can't make any promises I will. If I don't get a chance today, I will definitely be here with TT #22 (or is it #23?) next week!
And I'm off...
Posted by
9:10 AM
Labels: Thursday Thirteen, to do
We have a wedding Friday afternoon, and I have been looking for a dress for a couple weeks now. The reception is at a country club so I want something not too casual, but not black tie formal either. Do you know how hard it is to find something like that? I did find one this afternoon, but now that I have it home I think the style is too mature for me. Guess that means I have to go back to pounding the tiles of the mall once again tomorrow.
Tuesday's Tri Training: 35 minute run
Today's Tri Training: REST (If that's what you call running from store to store in two malls.)
This is for you Martha! ;)
Saturday was such a beautiful day here so I decided to go on a training run, but combine it with a walk. I walked a little over 4 miles from home and ran back only stopping once during. I walked for about five minutes and continue my run! Boy, did that feel good. I am pretty sure I got to the 3.1 mile mark before I had to stop.
Today I went on a nice bike ride. I don't know the exact mileage, but got a pretty close number from It was 8.25 miles in about 40 minutes. No resting here. I think the challenge with the bike portion will come after swimming half a mile.
To kind of try to tackle that, I plan to bike to & from one of my swimming sessions each week. This week I will probably do that on Thursday! It's less than three miles from home, but I think it will tell me a lot about how it will feel to swim then ride!
Posted by
6:54 PM
Labels: Danskin Triathlon, training, triathlon
Posted by
6:06 PM
Labels: birthday wishes, birthdays, family, quotes
Jenny over at J's Thoughts and Musings has tagged me for another Meme about me.
What were you doing 10 years ago?
I was a single mom working as an assistant manger at McDonald's. My shifts were not set. So I spent a lot of time carting a darling little almost four year old from babysitter to babysitter depending on my shift. The poor girl didn't know which "sitter" she would see from one day to the next. Thankfully, they were all family or like family.
I was also "helping" Bob shop for my engagement ring! ;) (June 28 will be 10 years since we were engaged.)
What were you doing 1 year ago?
Getting ready to go visit BIL & SIL for my nephew's baptism. It ended up being the last time I saw my DH's grandma before she passed away.
Five snacks you enjoy:
1. Almonds
2. Pear with Laughing Cow cheese
3. Apple with peanut butter
4. Dove Promises (dark chocolate of course)
5. Peanut M&M's
Five songs that you know all the lyrics:
1. Vogue -- Madonna
2. You Oughta Know -- Alanis Morissette
3. Ice, Ice Baby -- Vanilla Ice
4. Hanky Panky -- Madonna (from my bad girl karaoke
5. Summer Nights -- John Travolta/Olivia Newton-John
Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
1. Buy a little cottage in Door County, WI
2. Put more college money aside for Olivia
3. Vacation more
4. Buy DH the boat & convertible he thinks he needs!
5. Let my DH retire early and find him a hobby to keep him!
Five bad habits:
1. Procrastination (oh no, Jenny! This is my number 1 bad habit!)
2. Avoiding arguments/disagreements (Keeping this one at number 2!)
3. Nail biting, but I am getting better at this one. I have almost broken it.
4. Peanut M&M's (yep, my favorite snack is a bad habit)
5. Gossiping with mom about extended family. (Ouch, that one was hard to type.)
Five things you like doing:
1. Working in the yard
2. Decorating my home
3. Sewing
4. Taking pictures
5. Blogging
Five things you would never wear again:
1. Banana clips
2. Leggings
3. Leg Warmers
4. Jellies
5. And everything else listed in my TT #5...LOL!
Five favorite toys:
1. My camera
2. My MP3 player
3. My bike
4. DirecTV/TiVo
5. My computer
And Now for the important stuff...
Remove the blog in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add your blog to the bottom slot, like so:
The blog. Yep, the blog.
Dog's Eye View
Inside Mo's Mind
J's Thoughts and Musings
Just Bloggin' Along
Next select five people to tag:
Kelle at Come Do the Speed Limit With Me
Martha at Elizabeth Hill Cottage
GP at Fish Creek House
Shelbi at Keeper of the Chocolates
Stacy at Stacy Sews
If you choose to do the Meme, comment back so we can learn even more about you.
Posted by
9:06 AM
I reposted this entry above, and it now has comments. I have NO idea why this one did not. Some blogger glitch I suppose! I went through all my settings and nothing was changed. Test entries had comments available so who knows!
Posted by
3:55 PM
Labels: blog trouble
I consider myself a good speller, but there are a few words I get hung up on over & over again. I either misspell them often or have to think about them a little longer than most words. Apparently, some of them are commonly misspelled words. It's good to know I am not alone.
Posted by
10:46 AM
Labels: Thursday Thirteen
Posted by
4:54 PM
Mammogram Rate Falls 4 Percent
The rate of women getting mammograms to screen for breast cancer fell 4 percent from 2000 to 2005, according to a study at the National Cancer Institute.
In a news release, author Dr. Nancy Breen said that regular mammography is the best tool for early cancer detection for women over 40, and that it has reduced breast cancer mortality.
In studies from 1987 to 2000, the rate of women over 40 getting the exam went from 39 percent to 70 percent. Numbers from 2005 show the rate is now 66 percent.
The paper said that the small change is significant because it shows a shift in direction.
Breen reported that the drops were more sharp in women over age 50 and those with higher incomces -- groups that had previously shown higher rates of screening. The screening rate dropped 6.8 percent for women ages 50 to 64.
Rates went up, however, for American Indian women.
The authors said they are concerned that a drop in screening could mean fewer cases of cancer caught early.
The report was published in the journal CANCER.
Posted by
3:39 PM
Labels: breast cancer, breast cancer news
Here is the evidence of why we should wait until later in May to plant around here:See the words "FROSTY MORNING" on Thursday!?! What's crazier is today we hit 91! Yes, from 91 to frost in one week! That's Wisconsin for you...LOL! We are close enough to Lake Michigan that we should be protected from the frost, but just a few miles from us gardeners will be scrambling to bring in pots and cover tender seedlings.
Posted by
5:54 PM
Labels: weather
I FINALLY got my bike over the weekend! I absolutely love the colors! (The photo is of my bike.)
Bob decided he wanted one too. I am looking forward to family bike rides. You don't even know how long I have been wanting bikes for the entire family. Olivia had one already. Now Bob & I can join her on some long bike rides on the local bike trails!
Now, I need to do some googling for bike racks that go in the back of a pick-up in case we decide to go on one of the trails a bit further away!
Posted by
5:21 PM
Posted by
5:06 PM
Labels: breast cancer, flowers, photos, shoppin, yard
Posted by
9:28 AM
Labels: holidays, moms, motherhood, quotes, Thursday Thirteen
The triathlon is two months from today! Here's where I am at:
1. I am up able to run a little over 2 miles at this point. When I started training a month ago, I couldn't even run a mile. (The run is 3.1 miles.)
2. I am able to swim 600 yards without stopping. (The swim is half a mile which is 880 yards.)
3. I am able to bike 15 miles without being too run down. (The bike is 12.4 miles.)
4. I have lost 8.5 lbs! (Still have a little to lose to get into my capris from last summer.)
5. I have DRASTICALLY cut my Diet Pepsi consumption. Until about two weeks ago, I drank Diet Pepsi ALL day long. I probably had 8-10 cans a day. The most I have had on any day since I got sick is ONE. This past Friday & Saturday I didn't have a single one. I have replaced the sodas with water & iced green tea.
6. I have passed my fundraising goal of $250 and haven't sent out letters other than to online contacts. (I need to get these out this week!)
I think I am in good shape, but need to keep it up! This week is a heavy training week with workouts Monday - Friday. Next week is really light. Then it builds as the date gets closer with light workouts the week prior to the event.
Posted by
5:32 PM
Labels: Danskin Triathlon, exercise, fundraising, healthy lifestyle, training
Jenny at J's Thoughts and Musings tagged me to share 10 interesting facts about myself. I will have to see if I can think of any I haven't shared yet.
1. Until I was in about 5th grade I was one of the tallest kids in my classes. I became one of the shortest practically over night. (I'm 5'3".)
2. I have this strange hole in my left ear. It is hard to explain, but it looks like I have my ear pierced where the top of the ear connects to the head. It is genetic: my grandma & Olivia have it on right ear. My uncle and I have it on the left. I have met one other person who has this.
3. In high school, I was in our church's youth choir. Each summer we would go on tour to churches in nearby states. I toured in Michigan, Minnesota, and Iowa. Minnesota was by far the most fun year and most beautiful area. (No offense Michiganites and Iowinians.) I am sure you are thinking what's strange about this, but you haven't heard me singing skills...LOL!
4. My uncle is a Baptist pastor. My great-aunt & uncle were missionaries in Africa. Their daughter is carrying on their work.
5. With the exception of the year I was at college, I have lived in the same county all my life.
6. I have not missed voting in an election since I was of legal voting age.
7. I met three of the four members of Stryper when a friend got tix and backstage passes to a concert when we were sixteen. I also caught one of the Bibles they throw into the crowd during their show.
8. I fell off my bike when my brother "kissed my tire". I broke my leg, broke off part of a tooth and chipped another when my face hit the road.
9. I can't stand cartoons or clowns!
10. I have never watched a Star Wars or Star Trek movie.
Now I have to tag 10 people to share their interesting facts. (This is, of course, optional!) I won't have ten since most of those I would tag have already posted their interesting facts. I now tag: Kelle (Come Do the Speed Limit With Me), Martha (Elizabeth Hill Cottage), and Heather (Heather J's Life). If anyone else would like to share, feel free to do so!
Posted by
6:28 PM
Labels: about me, Chinese freeze tag
Today is my husband's birthday. So in honor of his birthday, today's list is thirteen things about Bob!
Posted by
10:17 AM
Labels: Thursday Thirteen
You know how I LOVE the Packers!
There is a waiting list for season tickets for the Packers. There are now nearly 74,000* names on that list. According to a number crunching assistant professor at St. Norbert College**, if you put your name on that list today, it will be 473 years before you become a season ticket holder. Do you think Favre will still be playing then? LOL!!
I guess I am in a sporty mood today! ;)
*An all-time high!
**Bob graduated from St Norbert in 1992.
Posted by
6:23 PM
Labels: Green Bay Packers, nfl
I am no longer a huge baseball fan, but was as a teen. This year is the 25th anniversary of the Brewers only appearance in the World Series. I remember that year well! With Brewer as my maiden a last name, I got teased by other kids constantly about being related to the team, being their mascot, having season tickets, etc. All I wanted was to marry The Ignitor, Paul Molitor...LOL!
It is early in the season, but the Brewers are atop the standings. As of this afternoon, they had the best record in baseball. People in town are excited about Brewer baseball again. It's kind of fun!
Posted by
6:05 PM
Labels: baseball, Milwaukee Brewers
I ran across this quote today and thought it was kind of cute!
Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.
Posted by
5:16 PM
Labels: quotes