Wednesday, May 02, 2007

We Love Our Team

You know how I LOVE the Packers!

There is a waiting list for season tickets for the Packers. There are now nearly 74,000* names on that list. According to a number crunching assistant professor at St. Norbert College**, if you put your name on that list today, it will be 473 years before you become a season ticket holder. Do you think Favre will still be playing then? LOL!!

I guess I am in a sporty mood today! ;)

*An all-time high!
**Bob graduated from St Norbert in 1992.


Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Hi, Penny, thanks so much for stopping by my blog. Hopefully you'll be able to get out & plant again soon. It's already really hot down south.

Plese come back & visit me again!

Southern Hospitality

Anonymous said...


GOOD GRIEF, that's crazy!

Penny said...

You're welcome, Rhonda!

LOL...Carolynn! Want me to add your name? LOL!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to your hubby! :) I think your blog is beautiful!