Since I chose things about the color red for my Valentine's Day topic, I decided to carry on the tradition and list thirteen things about the color green for St. Patrick's Day.
Thirteen Things About the Color Green1. Green signifies life & renewal.
2. Going green is used to referred to environmental friendliness.
3. Green is a restful color.
4. To the Egyptians green is a sacred color which represents hope & the joy of spring.
5. Green is said to be the most restful color for the human eye to see.
6. Green man is the God of fertility in Celtic myths.
7. Green around the gills means someone is pale or sickly.
8. Green with envy & the green-eyed monster both refer to jealousy.
9. A green racetrack means rain has washed all the rubber off the track. (This one's for you, Carolynn...rofl -- ducking!)
10. A person with a green thumb is good with plants.
11. A greenback is US currency.
12. Some say the color green has healing powers.
13. A person who is said to be green is a novice or inexperienced.
Red was a much more interesting! I did my research on the color green at ,, and
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