Monday, March 26, 2007

Back to "Work"

You are probably wondering why an Easter bunny and McDonald's are in the same!

The franchisee I worked for almost 9 years ago has a program where preschoolers and other young children come to a restaurant in their area for a little field trip. The children usually range in age from 3-6. They eat either breakfast or lunch, play a couple games, have their picture taken with the Easter bunny (or Santa), do an art project, and have a mini-tour of McDonald's behind the scenes.

I spent a good portion of my McDonald's career doing these parties (and as an assistant manager). I also ran similar parties which were open to the public for Easter, Halloween, and Christmas. I can't even count how many of these parties I did in the nearly 10 years I worked for McDonald's. I don't even want to think of what the number would be if I added in all the birthday parties. I think I could do them in my sleep...LOL!

So naturally, when the stores were having trouble staffing the stores for regular business let alone these special parties, I came to mind as a helper. While I have no desire to go back there on a regular basis, it is fun to get out and help for a couple weeks each year.

I won't be around much in morning Monday - Thursday this week or next.


Anonymous said...

How fun!
Have a great time!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you'll be pretty busy Penny! Have fun! :)

Anonymous said...

That looks like something I would enjoy. Have fun, bunny! LOL