Results: This Week's Game
Pick 'n Save
Shelf: $144.75
Paid: $34.32
Saved: $110.43 or 76.2 %
Shelf: $71.84*
Paid: $68.34
Saved: $3.50* or 4.8%
*The Woodman's shelf & saved amounts are not as high as they should be. The amount I listed as saved and included in the shelf price is only what I had in coupons. Because of the way their sale items ring I cannot tell what was on sale and what was not. I didn't write down regular prices so I could figure out my savings, and I am not going to start...LOL! I know I saved, and that I saved even more than when I did needs shopping at Pick 'n Save. On average, I would say regular prices are 10-15% lower at Woodman's than at Pick 'n Save on the items I normally purchase.
If you would like to play "the game", first timers can sign up for a $1 four week trail at Tell 'em penny-penn at sbcglobal dot net sent ya! :D
I still have to make a trip to Walgreen's or CVS. I haven't decided which one I am going to hit this week, but I think it will be CVS since I have a couple larger ExtraCare Bucks that should be waiting to print.
76% !!!!!!!!
Not too shabby, hey?
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