Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Prayers for Carolynn

My dear friend, Carolynn, is facing a bladder cancer diagnosis. A few weeks ago she tested positive on a FISH test. FISH is very accurate (95%) and highly sensitive, but is not a definite diagnosis of bladder cancer. A positive FISH indicates abnormal growth/a possible tumor. As follow-up to the FISH, Carolynn had had a CT IVP. The CT IVP came back negative which means any cancer has not left her bladder.

As I write this, she is in surgery -- having a cystoscopy/TURB. At least four areas will be biopsied and any growth or abnormalities will be removed.

Next she will have to wait for pathology results. If the cancer diagnosis is confirmed, a treatment plan will be put in place. If the biopsies come back negative, she will have to wait three months and repeat the procedures. Bladder cancer is a recurring disease, and it could take a more time before it shows itself beyond the FISH.

Please keep her in your thoughts & prayers.

I love you, Carolynn, my dear friend!


Anonymous said...

From the day that Carolynn told me that she might have cancer again I have gone to our church and prayed for her and her family every day. God listens and he does answer prayers. I will continue to pray for you, Carolynn, my friend. I love you!

Prayer is the answer, right Penny?

Penny said...

Prayer sure is the answer, Diane!

Mrs. Jones said...

I'm so sorry to hear this. I will pray for her.

Martha said...

Oh, Penny...

I'm soooo sorry. I hope to hear how she's doing soon.

Bless her.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Pen...and all of you!

So far so good. Wednesday I'll get the pathology report on the biopsies, but he did not see any lesions or other abnormalities--other than some unknown tissue, which is also being tested.