These April Showers Bring
Snow plowers -- UGH! We have about 6 inches of snow on the ground. It began this morning with rain, turned to small snowflakes at about 6:30 AM, then around 9:30 the flakes were GIANT. It was like it was snowing snowballs. The flakes returned to a more normal size and it continued until about 4 this afternoon. Guess what it turned to then. Yep -- RAIN! The rain will turn back to snow overnight and is supposed to leave another 2-3 inches.
Time to shovel what has pretty much turned into six inches of slush!
Today's Tri Training: 40 minutes on bike (inside of course) for 10.2 miles! A light work out on the strength training circuit. 20 minutes in the pool. I didn't keep track of the laps just swam until I needed to rest for a bit and then started again. Did this twice for about 10 minutes each.
Ok, it's time for you to come down here. Tell Bob that Frank will meet him half way... LOL
No snow here. Today anyway!
It's better today -- just a few flurries here & there. We didn't get any additional snow. It just continued to mist and drizzle. That melted MOST of what fell. We should be seeing grass again by tomorrow or Saturday.
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