Thursday, October 26, 2006

Organization Idea

I have ALWAYS struggled with organizing my spices. They are stacked alphabetically in the original containers, but it doesn't really work for me. I have been searching off and on for something else. I don't want them sitting out on the counter and don't want to attach any hardware inside the cabinet door.

A couple years ago I was watching a decorating show on HGTV or TLC and someone used magnetic paint in a child's room. I have always remembered this paint and thought it would be cool to use inside a cabinet to make a little message center or something like that. Well, fast forward to today when I noticed magnetic spice tins at BB&B. Couple dozen of these brilliant little tins paired with the magnetic paint inside that cabinet, and I think I will have that problem solved! I hope to do this next week. I will let you all know how it goes when I am done!


Anonymous said...

Perfect solution!

You know I LOVE organization!!

Penny said...

Three cheers for!