Monday, July 10, 2006

JTRS Lovers: Remember Karner Blue?

The 2002 Event Shoe that was inspired by the endangered Karner blue butterfly. Well, here's a bit from a story that was in our paper today...

A Nudge for Nature
Wisconsin program nurtures the flowers that feed the endangered Karner blue butterfly

Willard - The pale blue butterfly - hardly bigger than a nickel - fluttered and flitted at the side of the Clark County road dotted with lupine and other wildflowers.

It's no wonder the Karner blue butterfly was sticking close to the lupines, because the purple flower is breakfast, lunch and dinner for the endangered species during its larval stage. As a small caterpillar, the creature eats only wild lupine, snacking on the flower's leaves and leaving behind tiny marks like miniature window panes.

You can read the complete story here.


Anonymous said...

That is one of my favorite shoes! I love that color of blue.

Penny said...

I have seen this butterfly in person. Of course, it was in an exhibit at our local zoo. It was a pretty cool exhibit FULL of butterflies. Visitors walked through and spent as much time as they wanted in the butterflies' habitat.

Somewhere I think (not sure if the pic was one of mine or my mom's) I have pictures of my grandma with a butterfly sitting on her hat. It might even be a Karner Blue. I will have to dig them out and see.

Penny said...

Oh boy was I!!

It was a blue butterfly, but not a Karner blue. And it was on my mom's arm not my grandma's hat...rofl. Although, there is a pic of a butterfly on my grandma's hat.

At least I am not totally!

Anonymous said...

At least you did know it WAS a butterfly. LOL We all have our crazy moments.

Penny said...

rofl...Diane!! Good point!

Anonymous said...

The butterfly is beautiful!
I'm LOL about the memory mix-up though! :):)

When I was in Seattle several years ago, I went to a butterfly sanctuary. It was so cool!