Wednesday, January 30, 2008

New Look

My new banner is complete. I will be tweaking the colors of the titles, text, links, etc, but my new look is basically complete.

The images in the banner were taken by me in our yard last summer. I chose the colors because Valentine's Day will be here soon and the rose shots because it's bitterly cold here today.


Carolynn said...

You know I love personal garden shots!!

Ms Eva said...

Wow! What a big surprise! Love the new look! :)

Anonymous said...

I love your new banner. Very colorful.

Jenny McB said...

What a great banner, how did you do it? The colors are great and it's nice to flowers somewhere when there is icy rain outside! :)

Penny said...

Thank you ladies!

Jen...I made the banner in my photo editing program.

I need to find a new program because I hate this one. It's constantly freezing up. I have uninstalled and reinstalled about 20 times. I have searched for updates and downloaded them when I found them, but NOTHING helps. The dang thing still freezes.