Monday, November 26, 2007

F5, Springsteen, the E Street Band

It has been a LONG time since I sat at my computer hitting F5 waiting for something to go on sale.

Bob is a HUGE Bruce Springsteen fan! Springsteen & the E Street Band are coming to town on March 17, tickets go on sale in less than 8 minutes, and here I sit hitting that F5! Remember those GoCollect ordering days? Hopefully, this will go a little more smoothly and I won't end up with a headache...LOL!!

ETA: The ordering went just fine and took less than four minutes. A far cry from those GoCollect Just the Right Shoe exclusive ordering! I guess has experience with web traffic from crazed fans!


Jenny McB said...

Well, how did you do? Any tickets?

Last time I saw them, I was pregnant with my youngest. He puts on a great show.

Penny said...

Yep, got the two tickets we needed and was done in less than four minutes! No!

Anonymous said...

Four minutes versus seven hours in "those" days.... LOLOLOL

Is this a surprise for Bob?

Anonymous said...

Congrats on scoring those tickets. I LOVE bruce. I also love your blog background image!! ;)

Penny said...

C...It's not a surprise. He gave me "orders" to be online to order them yesterday at 11AM!

Don't think I didn't think about telling him a little fib that I couldn't get them and then surprise him on Christmas morning. I decided that fib would be a little too mean since he would be pretty disappointed thinking he wouldn't be able to go.

Ariana...Thank you!

Anonymous said...

LOL on the fib. You made him a happier man yesterday.....good for you.