Saturday, December 09, 2006

Gearing Up for 2007

Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful. ~ William Morris

I know I have mentioned before wanting to simplify! I have made some progress during this year, but I want to make even more next year! I am mapping out a plan for my ring-in-the-new-year declutter! First up, the basement! It will be perfect because that is where we store the tree and ornaments. So just before I take the tree down I can begin that project!


Anonymous said...

It must be that time of year - I was going to attempt to de-clutter our basement too! Especially the toy closet.

Penny said...

It would be much easier to clear our basement if my husband wasn't such a let's keep it kind of guy! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm more of a winter organizer than a spring cleaner, LOL

Penny said...

I LOVE organization! I will do it anytime, but I tend to do more in the winter. Spring I tend to redecorate rather than clean or organize.

Anonymous said...

I need to de-clutter our attic. We have lived here 13 years and we haven't de-cluttered not one time.